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Careers Programme

"Duke of Edinburgh is recognised across the country, it's an award that will give you more to offer to future education and jobs. "You need to be determined, dedicated and passionate, and in turn you will get so much more out from the Award."

Mr Gemmell
Duke of Edinburgh's
Award Coordinator

Manchester Academy

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

DofE News

Year 10 BTEC Artwork

Year 10 BTEC Artwork

Year 10 BTEC Level 2 extended certificate in Art and Design

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award: First Aid Course

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award: First Aid Course

The students that took part were a mix of Year 12 and Year 13. All of them are working towards their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.

World Book Day 2011

On Thursday, 3rd March, Manchester Academy joined schools nationwide to celebrate World Book Day.

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award: Ghyll Head OEC

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award: Ghyll Head OEC

A new initiative in the Sixth Form this year is the introduction of the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Students have started their year with a trip to Ghyll Head OEC, where they relished learning map reading skills and enjoying the beautiful Lake District countryside.

A world of difference

UniLife: Issue 4, Volume 8 | A number of staff are getting involved in a mentoring scheme with local schoolchildren from the Manchester Academy. Here we take a look at how it’s helping to turn lives around.

Re: School Preparations for Cold weather - Winter 2010/11

You will have seen on the news this week that parts of the country have already been hit with significant falls of snow which have affected traffic and services. Last Year we had to close the school for the first time in its history due to bad weather.

School kids are given lessons on how to become good parents

MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS | Students at Manchester Academy are getting advice on child psychology, household management and budgeting skills. It is being introduced in business lessons after pupils asked for training in real-life skills.

Once-failing school now named as one of UK's best

MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS | Manchester Academy is an extraordinary success story, the Cinderella that shirked off the ugly sister image of its past life as the pitifully unachieving Ducie High School.

Manchester Academy Receives Academy of the Year Award

Manchester Academy picked up the ‘Education Investor’ Academy of the Year Award in recognition of the innovative and outstanding work undertaken for the young people it serves. The ceremony, presented by comedian Steve Punt was held at London’s Grosvenor Hotel on 16th November 2010.

Efforts by business help young

Financial Times | Gerald Haigh, a former head teacher, says links between schools and companies can benefit both


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