School Uniform

At Manchester Academy, we expect a high standard of personal appearance. All students from Year 7 – Year 11 wear the same uniform. We hope that parents will understand the reasons underlying school clothing regulations, and we welcome your cooperation in ensuring that these regulations are observed. It is important that children accustom themselves to being tidy, well-groomed and suitably dressed for various activities. 

We believe that it is essential to continue to present a good image both inside and outside the school and prepare your child for the world of further education and work by instilling good routines and standards.

The compulsory Academy uniform consists of:

  • Blazer:  Manchester Academy blue blazer with school logo 
  • Trousers: Tailored plain black trousers (not cords or jeans)
  • Shirt: White (regulation, not a polo shirt)
  • Knitted Tank Top with Make Manchester Magic logo (optional)
  • Tie: Manchester Academy tie  
    • Year 7: Red Tie
    • Year 8: Purple Tie
    • Year 9: Blue Tie
    • Year 10: Green Tie 
    • Year 11: Gold Tie 
    • Prefect Students: Silver Tie
  • Socks: Plain black socks
  • Shoes: plain black and polishable with a small heel (no coloured or white trims - boots and trainers / trainer type shoes are not allowed). Please be aware that some shops are selling trainer style shoes and passing them off as school shoes, these trainer styles are not acceptable. If in any doubt please consult us with a photograph in advance of buying the footwear.
Boys (PE Kit)
  • Navy t-shirt with Manchester Academy logo, Navy hooded top with Manchester Academy logo (optional), plain navy shorts or plain navy tracksuit pants, plain blue football socks, training shoes. 
  • Blazer:  Manchester Academy blue blazer with school logo 
  • Skirt: Plain black ‘A line’ knee length skirt or full length plain black trousers (no ski pants or similar) 
  • Blouse: White (regulation, not a polo shirt)
  • Knitted Tank Top with Make Manchester Magic logo (optional)
  • Tie: Manchester Academy tie  
    • Year 7: Red Tie
    • Year 8: Purple Tie
    • Year 9: Blue Tie
    • Year 10: Green Tie 
    • Year 11: Gold Tie 
    • Prefect Students: Silver Tie
  • Headscarf: (if worn) to be plain black
  • Socks: Plain black socks or black tights in winter 
  • Shoes: Black, flat or small heeled (coloured or white trim - boots, trainers, mules and platforms are not allowed). Please be aware that some shops are selling trainer style shoes and passing them off as school shoes, these trainer styles are not acceptable. If in any doubt please consult us with a photograph in advance of buying the footwear. 

NB: If for some medical reason a child cannot wear shoes then he/she may be allowed to wear a pair of completely black trainers. In the event a doctor’s note should be provided.

Girls (PE Kit)
  • Navy t-shirt with Manchester Academy logo, Navy hooded top with Manchester Academy logo (optional), plain navy shorts/plain navy tracksuit pants/ navy sports leggings, plain blue football socks, training shoes. 


Please note: 

We are no longer selling uniform at Manchester Academy. 

All uniform items are now available from M.C.S. Stores, 220-222 Fog Lane, Didsbury, Manchester. M20 6EL. 

M.C.S. is open from Monday to Saturday from 11am until 5.30pm. Wednesdays is 1pm until 5pm. Telephone: (0161) 445 7740 or email:

Manchester Academy uniform can be found on their website at

Personal Appearance

  • Makeup and nail varnish are not allowed.
  • Extreme hairstyles are not in keeping with our good standard of appearance. Judging whether a haircut is acceptable or not is a subjective and difficult task. However, our stance is that haircuts should not be extreme. By this we mean that 'fashionable' haircuts such as 'steps', shaving the sides or all of the head, putting lines or patterns in the hair, or other variations on these styles are unacceptable in this school. As a general rule nothing below a ‘No. 2’ is acceptable for boys who prefer this type of short style. Part of our requirement looking uniform and smart is that all boys are clean shaven with no facial hair. 
    In addition to this, extreme colours of hair are not permitted – other than traditional natural hair- coloured highlights. We expect all pupils to have neat and tidy hair styles and ensure that long hair is tied back. We also request that hair adornments are kept to a simple black hair slide or black hair band. Headscarves must also be black. 
  • Jewellery is not allowed, which includes earrings.
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