PUPIL Premium Manchester 2017-18 Website - page 40-41

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Your Country Needs You -
play for Year 8 students
Cultural - SMSC
The play will allow students EAL
students to gain understanding of
the politics around WW1 which is
linked to the Histroy curriculum.
Arts participation 2+
Army Cadet Summer Camp
fee (RGE)
Access to sporting
and outdoor learn-
ing opportunities
Twelve students to experience a
range of activities to improve be-
haviour and literacy.
Individual instruction 3+
Y11 prom contribution
Cultural - SMSC
Braodenin pupils experience and
experiencing a different cultural
MMU languages day - Y9
options students (SBA)
Oracy intervention
18 students at KS3 to have the
opportunitiy to visit Manchester
University to gain knowledge and
understanding of how languages
will be required in future careers.
Oral language intervention 5+
Royal exchange theatre trip
for Y10 students (KLG)
Cultural - SMSC
Eleven student will expereince
live theatre, seeing frantic experi-
ence first hand. A mock exam is
linked to this trip.
Arts participation 2+
Transport costs to 'The Big
Bang North West' event
Cultural - SMSC
Activity for thirty Yr. 8 pupils
(taken from middle sets) to partic-
ipate in contemporary science ac-
tivites and improve participation
in STEM and increase awareness
of futre science courses/ careers
Collaborative learning 5+
Tablet and software to be
used in weekly 1hr social
intervention session (GHA)
LAC Intervention
To improve attendance to school
/ educational need and mental
health – 2 x KS4 students to work
Mentoring / peer tutoring 5+
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