PUPIL Premium Manchester 2017-18 Website - page 32-33

Page 18 of 37
External marking of Y11
mock exams papers, input-
ting of data, script
annotations and QLA (RGR)
Attainment and
Mock exam paper marked, mod-
erated and QLA by external
marker. QLA will assist students to
address areas of development in
preparation/revision for external
summer exams.
Feedback +8
80 books from the Carne-
gie 2017 Shortlist for Y7
and Y8 carnegie club PP
students (KLG)
Pupils to read fictional texts to in-
crease engagement and improve
reading ages. Students will read
for pleasure and will be able to
read at home.
Arts participation 2+
External marking of Y11
mock exams papers and
summary report – Humani-
ties (LTA)
Attainment and
Mock exam paper marked, mod-
erated and QLA by external
marker. QLA will assist students to
address areas of development in
preparation/revision for external
summer exams.
Feedback +8
French KS3 quiz - refresh-
ments for students
Attainment and
Students to participate in a quiz
on France and French speaking
countries – linked to literacy skills.
Aspirations 0+
Collaborative learning 5+
Homework 5+
Lexia reading skills soft-
ware - 3 year licence -
rapid acceleration of read-
ing skills for all students
Literacy interven-
To allow pupils identified with
low reading ages to participate in
Lexia intervention so that they
can then access the curriculum
and improve their progress and
Sports Leadership pro-
gramme for 20 students -
leadership skills to become
more employable
Access to sport /
Employability skills
Pupils participating in Sports
leadership programme will be
equipped with the tools to enable
them to become more employa-
ble. Students will deliver sports
activities to primary schools
linked to MA.
Oral language intervention 5+
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