PUPIL Premium Manchester 2017-18 Website - page 22-23

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disadvantaged pupils do not suf-
fer stigma of being unable to par-
ticipate in practical lessons or do
not feel financial pressure of be-
ing asked to contribute.
35% of students who are PP
partipate in Textiles practicals.
This will help improve progress
and attainment grades.
GCSE text/work books for
Y11 Hospitality students
Attainment and
Pupils will have the opportunity
to work in the classroom or at
home. These resources can be
used as an additional support to
improve progess and attainment.
Improved resources 2+
Outstanding leadership of
literacy masterclass for KLG
This course links to the School
Improvement Plan in terms of en-
gaging pupils within the school
with reading. It will assist in im-
porving literacy levels; develop
strategies to improve boy’s attain-
ment in English and develop stu-
dent independence.
Oral Language Intervention 5+
Reading for enjoyment CPD
for KLG (KLG)
This course links to the School
Improvement Plan in terms of en-
gaging pupils within the school
with reading. It will assist in im-
porving literacy levels.
Oral Language Intervention 5+
Purchase of award winning
books for carnegie book
club (KLG)
Students - Yr. 8 (16) & 9 (4) -
Books to stimulate pupil’s
intellectual curiosity and encour-
age a love for reading.
Oral Language Intervention 5+
Set of dictionary/thesaurus
combi for every classroom
Every classroom in the school to
have a class set of dictionaries to
access subject and every day
Learning Styles 2+
1...,3,4,6-7,8-9,10-11,12-13,14-15,16-17,18-19,20-21 24-25,26-27,28-29,30-31,32-33,34-35,36-37,38-39,40-41,42-43,...59
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