PUPIL Premium Manchester 2017-18 Website - page 28-29

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world book day - story tell-
ing and figure drawing
Tim Quinn, a Marvel cartoonist.
By the end of each session stu-
dents will have engaged with
story telling and figure drawing
and will produce their own fiction
text. The workshop will increase
reading for enjoyment.
3 x 1hr creative story
telling workshops for 90
students on world book
day (KLG)
Attainment and
World book day 2/3/17 – pupils
will participate in 3 x 1 hour crea-
tive story telling workshops. Every
pupil will take on a role and con-
tribute to the session. The work-
shop will inspire creativity and a
professional facilitator will pupils
to create their own characters.
Arts participation 2+
WJEC Geography and AQA
History revision guides
Attainment and
Pupils will have the opportunity
to work in the classroom or at
home with their revision guides.
These resources can be used as an
additional support to improve
progess and attainment.
Learning styles 2+
Improved resouces 2+
Homework (secondary) 5+
Accellerated Reader pro-
gramme for eligible stu-
dents in Transition (EOC)
Attainment and
Pupils in transition (Yr. 7 & 8) will
participate in Accellerated Read-
ing to raise literacy 1-9 scores and
improve reading ages. It will en-
courage students to read and de-
velop a longlife skill.
Mastery Learning 5+
Year 11 revision day -
workshops 'Exam Busters'
KS4 attainment
and progress focus
- revision skills
Year 11 students to participate in
revision skills workshop in prepa-
ration for their external examina-
Collaborative learning 5+
Learning styles 2+
Homework (secondary) 5+
Preventing ‘disen-
gagement’ from
This intervention has focus on pu-
pils with high exclusion rates and
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