PUPIL Premium Manchester 2017-18 Website - page 26-27

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Fairtrade fortnight, re-
wards trip to Cadbury's
World (KS3) and t-shirts
Cultural / Attain-
ment and Progress
Students study about fairtrade in
their lessons and then visit a food
manufacture where they can see
the outcomes of fairtrade ingredi-
Collaborative learning 5+
Extending school time 2+
Devon Dixon Project –
motivational and
inspirational 12 week pro-
gramme (JSM)
Preventing ‘disen-
gagement’ from
school / Pastoral
A tweleve week programme of
mentoring using intense
motivational circuit sessions and
relaxation techniques to embed
discipline whilst increasing self-
estem, motivation and fitness
Scientific calculators for
maths lessons (TMU)
Attainment and
All students will have a scientific
calculator which they will familiar-
ise and use in maths lessons and
the external maths examination.
Improved resources 2+
Scientific calculators for ex-
ams, including geometry
sets plus bag o'bits for ex-
ams (CSH)
Attainment and
All students in Year 11 will be
given the relevant equipment
they require for each exam.
Improved resources 2+
Artist in residence to work
with 7 x Y8 students (AFA)
Attainment and
Students to work with an Artisit
in residence during the summer
term. This will involve six weekly
workshops. Progress and student
attainment to be improved by end
of course.
Arts participation 2+
world book day fictional
text for all KS3 students
(KLG) (603 = Yr. 7 107 / Yr.
8 124 / Yr. 9 127)
Increasing pupils engagement
with with fictional text - books for
all reading ages swill engage
students reading for pleasure.
Marvel cartoonist work-
shops with Year 8 PP on
Attainment and
World book day 2/3/17 - Pupils
will participate in a workshop with
Arts participation 2+
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