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Students successfully complete Intervention Project

Students successfully complete Intervention Project

Published on 17 March 2019

Our Internal Exclusion department has successfully completed an intervention project, to help and assist with students’ behaviour and learning whilst at the Academy.

The scheme has already had a very positive effect and students have responded well.

Imran Gill, our school Behaviour Support Teams Worker, explained that an external   company from the local community, The Hideaway Youth Project, has been working with our students on a weekly basis.        

Hideaway offers coping strategies and group discussions to deal with various issues,    helping students to refrain from negative behaviour.

The intervention project has successfully resulted in the reduction of negative behaviour points received in a full term at the Academy.  As part of the scheme, Mr Gill and the   Hideaway staff covered  various areas of student development such as raising aspirations and self-esteem and more importantly, encouraging positive behaviour in and around the Academy.

The Academy and Hideaway Youth Project will continue to        encourage students to further develop strategies, helping them to gain a better understanding of coping methods when faced with potentially disruptive situations which may affect their learning.

The project aimed to assist in creating a positive environment for students experiencing issues within the classroom, helping to address the issue of fixed term exclusions and referrals to the school’s internal exclusion department.

Youth Engagement Workers Melvyn McDonald and Tanya Watts said it was rewarding to hear that positive interventions are effective for young people who maybe find it difficult during school time.


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